AMD said the new chip, code-named Athlon 64 FX-62, will be AMD's high-performance desktop chip, and the Athlon 64 X2 5000+ chip will be the new leader in AMD's mainstream desktops. Support for faster DDR2 storage standards and virtualization technologies has been added to the new chips.
AMD pointed out that the huge performance of the new chip is not a change from DDR2 storage. This year, the company has moderately pursued a new chip design strategy. By 2007, these chips will adopt a new architecture and will use four processor cores. And a faster HyperTransport system bus.
AMD said that HP, Alienware, Fujitsu-Siemens and China's Lenovo Group will use new chips in the computers they ship. The FX-62 processor costs $1,031 per thousand and the X2 5000+ processor costs $696 per thousand. More details about the processor can be found on the AMD website.
AMD is launching a new chip two months before Intel releases its Conroe chip. Intel's Conroe chip is based on the Core architecture, and the Conroe chip is expected to be a major advancement in Intel's current desktop chip. At the analyst meeting next week, AMD will show more details about competing with Intel's Conroe chip.
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