The new Chinese-style bedroom, the interpretation of traditional elements in the modern background, the atmosphere of the entire space is elegant but not lack of fashion, reflecting the modern people's pursuit of elegant living environment. Do you like this new Chinese bedroom?
When I get home after work, I see this peaceful and comfortable bedroom space and lie down. The tiredness of the day slowly passes in this pleasant and tranquil atmosphere.
R407C is an HFC blend designed to have similar properties to R22 in air conditioning systems. R407C is suitable for residential & light air conditioning and direct expansion air conditioning systems. It is also used in medium temperature refrigeration systems.
Positive displacement equipment:
- new or existing residential and commercial air-conditioners
- new or existing residential and commercial heat pumps
R407C Freon,R407C Refrigerant,Mixed Refrigerant Gas R407C,Blend Refrigerant Gas R407C