How many kinds of protective fungicides have you used?

With the shift of demand for agricultural products from production to quality, the level of attention of fungicides has continued to rise in recent years, and the “preservation-based, comprehensive prevention” plant protection policy has gradually been accepted by the majority of farmers, more and more Farmers began to focus on the prediction and prevention of crop diseases and preventive protection. Therefore, protective fungicides have become a hot spot in recent years, and the market price has also steadily increased. The future use area and market size will gradually expand, which is worthy of attention of all farmers.

The key to distinguishing protective fungicides from therapeutic fungicides is the time of use. It is applied on the surface of crops before the pathogen infects the crops to prevent the invasion of the bacteria and protect them. The principle of disease prevention is to form a layer of gas-permeable, water-permeable and light-transmitting dense protective film on the surface of the crop. This protective film can inhibit the germination and invasion of the spores of the bacteria to achieve the effect of sterilization and disease prevention.

The characteristics of protective fungicides are: 1 Use before the disease occurs, that is, the weapon should be prepared before the enemy comes. 2 The early stage of the disease is effective, that is, when the enemy is not yet strong, it will be surrounded by it. 3 Directly acting on the life cycle of the disease, it also does not allow the enemy to have logistical supplies. 4 The pathogenic bacteria site is not easy to produce resistance; that is, the protective fungicide can be multi-faceted, attacking the enemy all the time and space, so that the enemy can ignore the tail.

Commonly used protective fungicides are mainly copper preparations, dithiocarbamates, diimides and substituted benzenes. Let us introduce them one by one.

1, mancozeb

Function characteristics:

A protective fungicide with a broad spectrum of sterilization. Mainly to inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in the bacteria. It is effective for a variety of diseases such as anthracnose and early blight on fruit trees and vegetables, and it is often mixed with systemic fungicides to delay the generation of resistance.


1. Potato late blight: 80% wettable powder 1140-2160 g/ha, spray.

2, tobacco anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 1920-2160 g / male top, spray; tobacco brown spot disease: 80% wettable powder 1680-2100 g / ha, spray.

3, cucumber downy mildew: 80% wettable powder 2040-3000 g / ha, spray.

4, watermelon anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 1560-2520 g / ha, spray.

5, pepper (sweet pepper) anthracnose, pepper (sweet pepper) disease: 80% wettable powder 1800-2520 g / ha, spray.

6, tomato early blight: 80% wettable powder 1840-2370 g / ha, spray.

7, citrus tree anthracnose, scab: 80% wettable powder 1333-2000 mg / kg, spray.

8, apple tree ring disease, spotted leaf disease, anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 1000-1500 mg / kg, spray.

9, pear tree scab: 80% wettable powder 800-1600 mg / kg / spray

10, grape black pox disease, grape downy mildew, grape white rot: 80% wettable powder 1000-1600 mg / kg, spray.

11, peanut leaf spot: 80% wettable powder 720-900 g / ha, spray.

12, lychee tree Phytophthora: 80% wettable powder 1333-2000 mg / kg, spray.

13, ginseng black spot: 80% wettable powder 1800-3000 g / ha, spray.

2, Daisen zinc

Function characteristics:

It is a protective agent for foliar spray and has strong contact effects on many pathogens such as downy mildew, Phytophthora and anthracnose. For plant safety, the active ingredient is chemically active and easily oxidized to isothiocyanate in water. It has a strong inhibitory effect on the enzyme containing -SH group in the pathogen, and can directly kill the spores of the pathogen and inhibit the spore germination. Prevents the invasion of bacteria into plants, but has little killing effect on pathogenic mycelium that has invaded plants. Therefore, the use of daisen zinc to control diseases should be mastered in the beginning of the disease, in order to achieve better results. Dyson Zinc has a short pot life and decomposes quickly after exposure to sunlight and absorption of moisture in the air. The residual period is about 7 days.


1. Potato early blight, potato late blight: 80% wettable powder 960-1200 g / ha, spray.

2, wheat rust: 80% wettable powder 960-1440 g / ha, spray.

3, a variety of diseases of rapeseed: 80% wettable powder 960-1200 g / ha, spray.

4, tobacco anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 960-1200 g / ha, spray; tobacco blight: 80% wettable powder 960-1200 g / ha, spray.

5, a variety of vegetable diseases: 80% wettable powder 960-1200 g / ha, spray.

6, tomato early blight: 80% wettable powder 2550-3600 g / ha, spray.

7, a variety of pear trees: 80% wettable powder 1143-1600 mg / kg, spray.

8, apple tree a variety of diseases: 80% wettable powder 1143-1600 mg / kg, spray.

9, peanut leaf spot: 80% wettable powder 750-960 g / ha, spray.

10, tea tree anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 1143-1600 mg / kg, spray.

11, ornamental plant leaf spot, rust, anthracnose: 80% wettable powder 1143-1600 mg / kg, spray.

3, Daisen ammonium

Function characteristics:

Chemically stable, but decomposed by heat, safe for plants. The aqueous solution of dexamethasone can penetrate plant tissues, has strong bactericidal power, and can control a variety of crop diseases. There is also a fertilizer effect after decomposition in plants.


1. Rice blast: 45% water agent 535-675 g/ha, spray; rice bacterial blight, rice sheath blight: 45% water agent 337.5 g/ha, spray.

2, corn small spot disease, corn big spot disease: 45% water agent 525-675 g / ha, spray.

3, the incidence of millet white: 45% water agent 180-360 times liquid, soaking seeds.

4, cucumber downy mildew: 45% water agent 525 g / ha, spray.

5, cabbage downy mildew: 45% water agent 525 g / ha, spray.

6, sweet potato black spot: 45% water agent 200-400 times liquid, soaking seeds.

7, rubber tree canker ulcer: 45% water 150 times solution, smear.

4, Daisen United

Function characteristics:

It contains 18% zinc, has good quick-acting effect, long-lasting effect, safe use, and no phytotoxicity even when used during flowering. It is a low-toxic pesticide. Because of its wide range of sterilization and resistance to resistance, the control effect is significantly better than other similar fungicides.


1. Cucumber downy mildew: 70% water dispersible granules 1120-1750 g/ha, spray.

2, citrus scab: 70% water dispersible granules 1000 ~ 1400 mg / kg, spray.

3, apple spotted leaf disease: 70% water dispersible granules 1000-2333 mg / kg, spray; apple ring disease: 70% water dispersible granules 1000-2333 mg / kg, spray; apple anthracnose: 70% water dispersion Granules 1000-2333 mg / kg, spray.

4, pear tree scab: 70% water dispersible granules 1000-1400 mg / kg, spray.

5, Fumei double

Function characteristics:

It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial properties and is mainly used to treat seeds and soil, and to control cereal smut and various crops. It can also be used for spraying to control some fruit trees and vegetable diseases .


1. Rice flax leaf spot, rice blast: 50% wettable powder 250 g / 100 kg seed, seed dressing.

2, wheat powdery mildew: 50% wettable powder 500 times liquid spray.

3, tobacco root rot: 50% wettable powder 500 g / 500 kg warm bed soil, soil treatment.

4, beetroot rot: 50% wettable powder 500 g / 500 kg warm bed soil, soil treatment.

5, grape white rot: 50% wettable powder 500-1000 times liquid, spray.

6, cucumber downy mildew, powdery mildew: 50% wettable powder 500-1000 times liquid, spray.

6, chlorothalonil

Function characteristics:

It can bind to the protein of cysteine ​​in the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in fungal cells, destroying the metabolism of cells and losing vitality. Its main function is to prevent fungal infection, no systemic conduction, but it has good adhesion on the surface of plants, is not easily washed by rain, and has a long period of efficacy.


1. Rice sheath blight, rice blast: 75% wettable powder 1125-1425 g / ha, spray.

2, wheat leaf spot, wheat leaf rust: 75% wettable powder 1125-1425 g / ha, spray.

3, tea tree anthracnose: 75% wettable powder 600-800 times liquid, spray.

4, flower rust disease, peanut leaf spot: 75% wettable powder 1125-1350 g / ha, spray.

5, leafy vegetables downy mildew, leafy vegetables powdery mildew: 75% wettable powder 1275-1725 g / ha, spray.

6, a variety of diseases of fruits and vegetables: 75% wettable powder 1125-2400 g / ha, spray.

7, melon downy mildew, melon powdery mildew: 75% wettable powder 1200-1650 g / ha, spray.

8, tomato early blight: 75% wettable powder 975-1125 g / ha, spray.

9, legume anthracnose, bean rust: 75% wettable powder 1275-2325 g / ha, spray.

10, pear tree spotted leaf disease: 75% wettable powder 500 times liquid, spray.

11, citrus tree scab rickets: 75% wettable powder 750-900 mg / kg, spray.

12, apple tree a variety of diseases: 75% wettable powder 600 times liquid, spray.

13, grape black pox disease, grape powdery mildew: 75% wettable powder 600-700 times liquid, spray.

14, rubber tree anthracnose: 75% wettable powder 500-800 times liquid, spray.

7, dipyridamole

Function characteristics:

The fungicide with protection and therapeutic effect has a wide spectrum of sterilization, and can effectively prevent and cure a variety of crop fungal diseases, and can be used for seed treatment, foliar spray and soil treatment.


1. Rice field blight: 70% soluble powder 13125 g / ha, poured or sprayed.

2, cotton blight: 70% soluble powder 210 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

3, wheat smut: 45% wet powder 300 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

4, tobacco black shank: 70% soluble powder 3000 g / ha, poured or sprayed.

5, potato ring rot: 70% soluble powder 210 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

6, beet blight, beetroot rot: 70% soluble powder 475-760 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

7, cabbage downy mildew: 45% wet powder 250-500 times liquid, spray, root irrigation.

8, cucumber downy mildew: 45% wet powder 250-500 times liquid, spray, root irrigation; cucumber blight, cucumber blight: 70% soluble powder 2625-5250 g / ha, pouring or spraying.

9. Watermelon blight, watermelon blight: 70% soluble powder 2625-5250 g / ha, poured or sprayed.

10, pine sapling seedling blight, cedar seedling root rot: 70% soluble powder 140-350 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

8, isourea

Function characteristics:

The broad-spectrum contact fungicide has good bactericidal effect on Botrytis, Streptomyces, Sclerotinia, Microcystis and other bacteria. It is also effective against Alternaria, Helminthos, Silk genus, Fusarium, Vola. Isobacteria inhibit protein kinases, an intracellular signal that controls many cellular functions, including the interference of carbohydrate binding into fungal cell components. Therefore, it can inhibit the germination and production of fungal spores, and also inhibit the growth of mycelium. That is, it has an impact on various developmental stages in the life history of pathogens.


1. Botrytis cinerea: 50% wettable powder 375-750 g/ha spray; tomato early blight: 50% wettable powder 750-1500 g/ha spray.

2, rapeseed sclerotinia: 25.5% suspension of 600-750 g / ha spray.

3, apple tree spotted leaf disease: 50% suspension of 333.3-500 mg / kg spray.

4, banana crown rot: 25.5% suspension agent 170-250 times liquid soaked fruit.

9, vinyl bacteria nuclear

Function characteristics:

A diimide-type contact fungicide. It acts to interfere with the nuclear function of the pathogen, change the permeability of the membrane, and cause the cell to rupture. It is specially used to control fungal diseases such as gray mold. This fungicide is safe for crops under normal technical conditions. Vinyl nucleus is a contact-type bactericide and must be administered as a prophylactic spray or in the early stages of infection. Spray thoroughly from all directions to all parts of the treated plant.


Botrytis cinerea: 50% water-dispersible granules or dry suspension agent 75-100 g/mu, initial flowering spray.

10, stone sulfur mixture

Function characteristics:

As a protective fungicide, it is used to control powdery mildew, scab, anthracnose, etc. in alfalfa, soybean and fruit trees. As a pesticide , it can soften the wax of scale insects and is effective against the eggs of red spiders on fruit trees. It is phytotoxic to sulfur-sensitive crops such as apricots, raspberries, and cucumbers.


1, citrus tree mites: 45% stone sulphur mixture solid 180-300 times liquid early spring spray; 300-500 times liquid late autumn spray; citrus tree scale insect: 45% stone sulphur mixture solid 180-300 times liquid early spring spray; 300-500 Double liquid late autumn spray; citrus tree rust tick: 45% stone sulphur mixture solid 300-500 times liquid, late autumn spray.

2, apple leaf 螨: 45% stone sulphur mixture solid 20-30 times liquid, pre-emergence spray; apple powdery mildew: 29% water agent 0.5-0.8Be (Bome), spray.

3, tea tree tea 螨: 45% stone sulphur mixture solid 150 times liquid, spray.

4, wheat powdery mildew: 45% stone sulfur mixture solid 150 times liquid, spray.

11, sulfur

Function characteristics:

It has the functions of sterilization and acaricidal action, has good control effect on wheat and melon powdery mildew, and has high control effect on rust and rust. Its bactericidal mechanism is to act on the electron transfer process between the cytochrome b and c of the redox system, capture electrons, and interfere with normal oxidation-reduction.


1. Wheat bran: 50% suspension agent 3000 g/ha, spray; wheat powdery mildew: 50% suspension agent 3000 g/ha, spray.

2, cucumber powdery mildew: 50% suspension agent 1125-1500 g / ha, spray.

3, fruit tree powdery mildew: 50% suspension of 200-400 times liquid, spray.

4, flower powdery mildew: 50% suspension of 750-1500 g / ha, spray.

5, rubber tree powdery mildew: 50% suspension of 1875-3000 g / ha, spray.

12. Froxonitrile

Function characteristics:

A broad-spectrum contact fungicide for seed treatment that can control most of the seed-borne fungi and soil-borne fungal diseases. Stable in the soil, forming a protected area in the roots of seeds and seedlings to prevent the invasion of germs. The structure is new and it is not easy to interact with other fungicides.


1. Wheat root rot: 2.5% suspended seed coating 3.75-5 g / 100 kg seed, seed coating.

2. Rice seedling disease: 2.5% suspended seed coating agent 10-15 g / 100 kg seed, seed coating; 5-7.5 g / 100 kg seed, soaking seeds.

3, cotton blight: 2.5% suspended seed coating agent 15-25 g / 100 kg seeds, seed coating.

4, ornamental chrysanthemum gray mold: 50% wettable powder 83.3-125 mg / kg, spray.

13, propionate zinc

Function characteristics:

A fast-acting, long-lasting, broad-spectrum protective fungicide that provides good protection against downy mildew in crops such as vegetables, tobacco, and hops, as well as early and late blight of tomatoes and potatoes, and against powdery mildew, rust, and grapes. The disease caused by the spore bacterium also has a certain inhibitory effect. Safe for crops at recommended doses.


1. Chinese cabbage downy mildew: 70% wettable powder 1575-2250 g/ha, spray.

2, cucumber downy mildew: 70% wettable powder 1575-2247 g / ha, spray.

3, tomato late blight: 70% wettable powder 1890-2310 g / ha, spray; tomato early blight: 70% wettable powder 1312.5 ~ 1968.75 g / ha, spray.

4, apple tree spotted leaf disease: 70% wettable powder 1000-1167 mg / kg, spray.

5, grape downy mildew: 70% wettable powder 1400-1750 mg / kg, spray.

6, citrus tree anthracnose: 70% wettable powder 875-1167 mg / kg, spray.

7. Mango anthracnose: In the flowering period of mango, when the rain is more likely to occur, it is sprayed with 70% wettable powder 500 times.

14. Pyraclostrobin

Function characteristics:

A further methoxy acrylate broad-spectrum fungicide was developed by replacing the o-methylphenyl group in the molecular structure of the ether oxystrobin with N-p-chlorophenylpyrazolyl. It can positively regulate the crops, it can inhibit the production of ethylene, which can help the crops to store bio-energy for a longer period of time to ensure maturity; can significantly increase the activity of crop nitrification reductase, which means it can reduce soil The use of nitrogen fertilizers further reduces the impact on groundwater; when crops are attacked by viruses, it accelerates the formation of resistant proteins – the same as the anti-reverse protein synthesis of the crop's own salicylic acid complex.


1, corn big spot disease: 25% emulsifiable oil 112.5-187.5 g / ha, spray; corn plant health effects: 25% emulsifiable oil 112.5-187.5 g / ha, spray.

2, tea tree anthracnose: 25% EC 125-250 mg / kg, spray.

3, cabbage anthracnose: 25% emulsifiable oil 112.5-187.5 g / ha, spray.

4, cucumber downy mildew: 25% EC 75-150 g / ha, spray; melon powdery mildew: 25% EC 75-150 g / ha, spray.

5, soybean leaf spot: 25% emulsifiable oil 112.5-150 g / ha, spray; soybean plant health effects: 25% emulsifiable oil 112.5-150 g / ha, spray.

6, watermelon anthracnose: 25% emulsifiable oil 56.25 ~ 112.5 g / ha, spray; watermelon regulate growth: 25% emulsifiable oil 37.5 ~ 93.5 g / ha, spray.

7, banana leaf spot: 25% emulsifiable oil 83.3-250 mg / kg, spray; banana scab: 25% emulsifiable oil 83.3-250 mg / kg, spray; banana anthracnose: 25% emulsifiable concentrate 125-250 mg / kg, Fruit soaking; banana shaft rot: 125-250 mg/kg, fruit-immersed; banana-regulated growth: 25% emulsifiable concentrate 125-250 mg/kg, spray.

8, apple tree rot disease: 25% emulsifiable oil 166.7-250 mg / kg, spray.

9, mango tree anthracnose: 25% emulsifiable concentrate 125-250 mg / kg, spray.

10, lawn brown spot: 25% EC 125-250 mg / kg, spray.

15, Wang Tong

Function characteristics:

After spraying on the crop, it can adhere to the surface of the plant to form a protective film that is not easily washed away by rain. The release of soluble basic copper chloride ions under certain humidity conditions acts as a bactericidal agent. It is mainly used to control citrus canker disease, and can also be used to control other fungal diseases and some bacterial diseases.


1. Tobacco brown spot disease: 30% suspension agent 540-675 g / ha, spray.

2, cucumber bacterial angular leaf spot, cucumber downy mildew: 47% wettable powder 300-500 times liquid, spray.

3, citrus tree ulcer disease: 30% suspension of 437.5-500 mg / kg, spray.

16, carbendazim

Function characteristics:

Highly effective and low toxicity, effective against ascomycetes and deuteromycetes, ineffective against diseases caused by oomycetes and bacteria, with protective and therapeutic effects. The mechanism of action is the formation of spindles in the mitosis of interfering bacteria, thereby affecting cell division.


1. Rice blast, rice sheath blight: 50% wettable powder 750 g / ha, sprayed, poured.

2, wheat scab: 50% wettable powder 750 g / ha, spray, pouring.

3, cotton seedling disease: 50% wettable powder 500 g / 100 kg seeds, seed dressing.

4, peanuts rickets: 50% wettable powder 750 g / ha, spray.

5, rapeseed sclerotinia: 50% wettable powder 1125-1500 g / ha, spray.

6, fruit tree disease : 50% wettable powder 0.05% -0.1% liquid, spray.

17. Thiophanate

Function characteristics:

Is a benzimidazole, is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide, can control a variety of crop diseases, with systemic, preventive and therapeutic effects. It is converted to carbendazim in plants, interfering with the formation of spindles in mitosis and affecting cell division.


1. Rice disease: For rice sheath blight, spray with 70% wettable powder of 1050-1500 g/ha; for rice blast, spray with 70% wettable powder of 1050-1500 g/ha.

2, wheat scab: 70% wettable powder 750-1050 g / ha, spray.

3, melon powdery mildew: 70% wettable powder 337.5-506.25 g / ha, spray.

4, tomato leaf mold: 70% wettable powder 375-562.5 g / ha, spray.

5, sweet potato black spot: 70% wettable powder 360-450 mg / kg, soaked potato.

6, apple tree ring disease: 70% wettable powder 700 mg / kg, spray.

7, pear tree scab: 70% wettable powder 360-450 mg / kg, spray.

18, thiabium copper

Function characteristics:

It has good control effect on bacterial diseases. It has systemic, therapeutic and protective effects, long-lasting effect, stable drug effect and safe crops.


1. Rice bacterial blight: 20% suspension agent 300-390 g/ha, spray; rice bacterial leaf streak: 20% suspension 375-480 g/ha, spray.

2, cotton seedling stage blight: 20% suspension of 200-300 g / 100 kg of seeds, seed dressing.

3, tobacco bacterial wilt: 20% suspension of 300-700 times liquid, spray or spray; tobacco wildfire disease: 20% suspension of 300-390 g / ha, spray.

4, cucumber corner spot: 20% suspension of 250-500 g / ha, spray.

5, watermelon blight: 20% suspension agent 225-300 g / ha, spray.

6, Chinese cabbage soft rot: 20% suspension agent 225-300 g / ha, spray.

7, tomato leaf spot: 20% suspension of 270-450 g / ha, spray.

8, citrus canker disease, citrus scab: 20% suspension of 300-700 times liquid, spray.

9, orchid soft rot: 20% suspension 400-666.7 mg / kg, spray.

19. Thiazole zinc

Function characteristics:

The structure of zinc thiazole is composed of two groups to sterilize. One is the thiazole group, which has no inhibitory effect on bacteria in vitro, but it is a highly effective therapeutic agent in plants. In the pore channel of the plant, the bacteria are seriously damaged, and the cell wall becomes thinner and then collapses, resulting in bacteria. death. The second is zinc ion, which has both fungicidal and bactericidal effects. The zinc ions in the drug exchange with the cations (H+, K+, etc.) on the surface of the cell membrane of the pathogen, causing the protein on the cell membrane of the pathogen to coagulate and kill the pathogen; part of the zinc ions penetrate into the cells of the pathogen and bind with certain enzymes, affecting its activity. Lead to dysfunction, the bacteria died and died. Under the joint action of the two groups, the killing bacteria are more thorough, the control effect is better, and the control objects are more extensive.


1. Rice bacterial stripe disease, rice blast, rice sheath blight: 20% suspension agent 300-375 g / ha, spray.

2, cucumber (protective land) bacterial angular leaf spot: 20% suspension 300-450 g / ha, spray.

3, citrus tree ulcer disease: 20% suspension agent 400-666.7 mg / kg, spray.

4, tobacco wildfire disease: 40% suspension of 360-510 g / ha, spray.

Of course, protective fungicides can only prevent the invasion of germs and control the epidemic. If the disease has been flooded, it is impossible to use protective fungicides. At this time, therapeutic fungicides must be used.

(Source: Farmers' Agricultural Technology)

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