Pterocarpus macarocarpus Kurz is mainly produced in Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. The trade name is Burmapadauk, pradeo, maydo large fruit rosewood loose hole material, semi-annular hole material tends to be obvious. The growth wheel is quite obvious. Heartwood orange red, brick red or purple red, often with dark stripes; scratches visible to obvious; wood dust leaching liquid light yellow brown, weak or no fluorescence.
The tube hole is larger inside the growth wheel (but the proportion of the growth wheel is smaller than other species), visible under the naked eye; the chord diameter is 269μm maximum, with an average of 1 27 μm; the number is very small to slightly less, 1 to 15 /mm2, often containing yellow deposits. The axial thin-walled tissue is obvious under the naked eye, and the main concentric layer of the fistula is band-shaped/poly-winged and thin-lined (1 to 4 cells wide). Wood fiber wall thickness. The wood ray is visible under the magnifying glass; the wavy marks are slightly obvious or obvious under the magnifying glass; the ray tissue is in the same shape as a single column. Rich aroma; fine structure; staggered texture; air dry density 0.80 ~ O.86 g / cm3.
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