Prevention and control of cucumber bacterial wilt

1. Seed disinfection Seeds were collected from disease-free plants, and the seeds were sterilized by dry heat at 70 ° C for 72 hours, or soaked in warm water at 50 ° C for 20 minutes, and then dried and sown. The disinfection method of the medicament is as follows: 40% of formalin in 150 times of liquid soaking for 1.5 hours; or 1 million units of streptomycin sulfate in 500 times of soaking for 2 hours, and rinsing and germination sowing.

2. Rotation The non-melon crops were rotated for more than 2 years.

3. Use disease-free field soil seedlings to prevent seedling disease.

4. Field management Strengthen field management, increase the application of organic fertilizer, and do not apply nitrogen fertilizer. During the growing period, the natural alizarin, one ten thousandth of Shuofeng 481, is sprayed every 20 days to promote growth and improve disease resistance. After pulling, the fallen leaves are transported out of the field, buried or burned to reduce the pathogen.

5. Promptly control pests to reduce the route of transmission.

6. Spraying at the initial stage of drug control: 4000% solution of 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder; or 14% solution of 14% lycopene copper water; or 50% cream copper WP 600 times. Because it is accompanied by epidemics at the same time, it should be sprayed alternately with 600 times of 72% ke WP. Every 7-10 days, even spray 3-4 times.
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