The use of KOYO bearings can be used to test the work.

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/*728*90 created on 2018/5/16*/ var cpro_id = "u3440131";

The use of KOYO bearings can be used to test the work.

Source: Bearing network time: 2018-02-16

/*250*250 was created on 2017/12/25*/ var cpro_id = 'u3171089';
In order to check whether the KOYO bearing equipment is correct; after the equipment is finished, it is necessary to carry out the test work. For small machinery; you can first use the hand to move the transition part; check the rotation flexibility of the KOYO bearing; if there is no abnormality below; Work view.
Stuck ------------- Reason: foreign matter intrusion; tumbling some scars and other torques too large --------- reason: the conflict of sealed equipment; Hey.
Uneven rotation torque - reason: equipment is incorrect; equipment error, etc.
For large-scale machinery that cannot be moved by hand; it can be started under no-load conditions; then immediately turn off the power; perform inertia work. At this moment; admit that there is no abnormal oscillation or noise; after normal rotation; then enter power work.
When entering the power work; should start from low speed without load; gradually reach the working conditions of the rule. The power work view is mainly based on sound, temperature rise and oscillation; the cause should be ascertained; if necessary, the KOYO bearing is removed for inspection.
The sound of KOYO bearings is viewed; usually the listening stick can be used.
KOYO bearing temperature view; usually can be estimated according to the temperature of the casing; but the use of oil holes to directly measure the temperature of the KOYO bearing outer ring is the most correct.
The temperature of the KOYO bearing gradually rises from the beginning of the work; if there is no abnormality; it reaches a stable condition after 1-2 hours.
When it shows a sharp temperature rise or abnormal high temperature; it can be considered to present some kind of fault.
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