Global Fungicide Market Increases by 3.1% in the Next 5 Years

According to the latest research report from SRI Consulting, the global fungicide market will continue to grow at an average annual growth rate of 3.1% over the next five years. The demand will reach 1.4 million tons in 2015, and the market value will be about US$5.5 billion.

After experiencing the economic recession in the second half of 2008, global demand for germicides and sales prices began to pick up in 2010. Major downstream users of biocides include food and feed preservatives, industrial water treatment, metalworking fluids, paints and coatings, personal care products, plastics, disinfectants, swimming pools, and wood preservatives. Environmental regulations are increasingly strict, affecting the global market demand for fungicides and product types. To this end, manufacturers have increased investment in new products and laboratory construction to help customers reduce the cost of fungicide.

At the same time, high costs and demand improvements have stimulated the global fungicide business M&A activity. The latest announced deal is that Lonza Group will acquire Arch Chemicals for $1.4 billion to form the world's largest fungicide manufacturer. Aozhi Chemicals annual sales of about 1.2 billion US dollars.

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