Harvard researchers develop air-driven software robots

Researchers at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEA) at Harvard University have developed a flexible robot that can be used in space exploration, search and rescue systems, bionics, medical surgery, rehabilitation, and other uses Use completely unconstrained robots. A key to making soft robots is that it uses compressed air to replace multiple control systems with one-time input.

This allows designers to build robots with fewer components, making robots lighter and less complex. Scientists used the viscosity of the fluid to carefully select tubes of different sizes to control the speed of air movement in the soft robotic device. One-time input pumps the same amount of air through one of the tubes, and the size of the tube determines the way and position of the air flow.

The team developed a framework that automatically determines how to make soft robots and how to select pipes. The framework also involves how to achieve the target function, such as crawling or walking with a single input line. Using these systems, the team demonstrated a four-legged soft robot that can crawl. Four tubes extending from the top guide the air to each leg in turn to allow the robot to crawl.

Due to the work of the team, the driving of soft fluid robots is simpler and easier than ever. The new method is an important step towards simply driving soft robots completely unconstrained. This research was conducted at Harvard University and is currently exploring commercial opportunities for this technology.

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