How to prevent disease and control insects in spring mulberry garden

The main targets of disease prevention and control of mulberry gardens in spring are bud-borne pests (mulberry, mulberry, and mulberry) and bacterial diseases.
1, time and medication: the first time from the end of February to the beginning of March spray 90% trichlorfon crystals or 50% methamidophos 1000 times liquid mixed with oxytetracycline 500 units, the second time from the end of March to the beginning of the month spray omethoate Or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times liquid mixed with oxytetracycline 500 units
2, Note: Spraying should be carried out on sunny days; ensure the concentration of the drug; each mulberry tree should be sprayed to drip; full spray, including soil, ridge, mulberry branches, tree shrews, etc.
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