New technology for rodent control - the method of "poison bait station"

1. Polyethylene plastic pipe: about 10 cm in diameter and about 40-50 cm in length. The advantage is that the material is convenient, durable and durable, and the disadvantage is that the cost is high, and the cost of each bait station is about 0.7 yuan.
2, iron pipe: diameter of about 7-8 cm, length of about 40-50 cm. The advantage is that it is durable and durable, and the disadvantage is that it is difficult to obtain materials and the cost is high.
3. Sorghum straw: The sorghum straw is put on the 8th wire to form a triangle with a length of about 40-50 cm. The advantage is that the material is convenient, the cost is low, and the manufacturing is simple. The disadvantage is that it is easy to break, not resistant to rain and leakage.
4. Poplar wood: Use three poplar boards, each of which is about 10 cm wide and 40-50 cm long. It is made by nailing or glue the three sides. Its advantages are light and durable, easy to take and low cost. The disadvantage is that it cannot be used for a long time.
Huaxian County Plant Protection Station Chen Yipin
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