Solve soil compaction
1 cause of the knot
1 The high temperature and humidity in the shed is conducive to the decomposition of soil by microorganisms and accelerates the rate of soil mineralization. 2 years of application of chemical fertilizers, resulting in soil salinization.
2 knot damage
The above two reasons lead to the destruction of soil aggregate structure, the ability to save water and fertilizer is reduced, the gas permeability is deteriorated, and the ground temperature becomes low, which is not conducive to root growth.
2 measures to prevent the knot:
Apply more organic fertilizer to make the soil organic matter content more than 3%, and take corresponding measures to reduce the degree of soil salinization.
Solve soil salinization
1 The cause of salinization
Mainly because the Chloride ions in the chlorinated fertilizer combine with the sodium ions in the soil to form the sodium Salt.
2 salinization hazards
1 causes soil compaction, which is not conducive to root growth; 2 salt concentration is large, crops are difficult to absorb water, even if the soil is wet, physiological drought will occur; 3 affecting the absorption of calcium by crops, excessive chlorine poisoning.
3 The performance of salt and pepper damage
1 The blade is small, the surface has waxy and glittering feeling. When it is serious, the leaf edge is curled or the blade is drooping, the leaf color is browning, and it is peeled off from the bottom. The two are small, the head is blunt, and the root is brown. 3 The plants are short, slow-growing, and even dead; 4 the symptoms of salt damage in different vegetables are different.
4 vegetable salt salt tolerance
Beans are the most salt-tolerant, other beans, solanes, cabbage, radish, green onions, lettuce, carrots, etc. are less salt-tolerant, onions, leeks, garlic celery, cabbage, fennel, potatoes, mustard, broad beans, etc. More salt-tolerant, stone cypress, spinach, cabbage and most melons have strong salt tolerance. degree.
5 measures to prevent salinization
1 no application of chemical fertilizer containing chlorine and sodium; 2 application of organic fertilizer; 3 application of gypsum or fly ash; 4 leisure season, deep water irrigation after deep washing; 5 growing season, each time watering should be thorough, and timely铧锄; 6 different cover mulch film, reduce water evaporation, reduce the rate of salt rise.
Solve soil acidification
1 acidification cause
A large amount of acid fertilizers such as sulfate and hydrochloric acid were applied in successive years.
2 acidification hazards
1 Heavy metal elements such as aluminum, manganese and lead are released under acidic conditions, leading to death of root poisoning; 2 heavy metal elements such as aluminum, manganese and lead are antagonized with elements such as potassium, calcium magnesium and molybdenum, affecting root absorption and causing deficiency ; 3 the production of harmful gases such as nitrogen dioxide, causing crop poisoning.
3 vegetable juice suitable pH (pH)
The optimum pH range for most vegetables is usually between 6.0 and 6.8, ie, growth is well developed in slightly acidic soils.
However, different vegetables have different pH requirements. Among them, ginger 5~7; watermelon, sunflower and corn 5~8; cabbage, radish, carrot, strawberry and potato 5.5~6.5; spinach, chrysanthemum, pumpkin and taro 5.5~7; cucumber and melon 5.5~7.5; cabbage, cauliflower , leeks, onions, lettuce and citron 6~6.5; melon, tomato, kidney bean and asparagus 6~7; celery and broad beans 6~8; eggplant, soybean, burdock and glutinous rice 6.5~7.5; onion 7~7.5.
4 measures to prevent acidification
Lime is applied to adjust the pH while applying calcium fertilizer. .
Solve soil nutrient imbalance
1 causes of nutrient imbalance
Long-term single application of one or a few fertilizers, resulting in excess of some elements, some elements are lacking. The main cause of nutrient imbalance in the past 30 years is that the diammonium phosphate and 15~15~15 compound fertilizers applied in years have led to excess phosphorus, and fixed elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.
2 nutrient imbalance
1 occurrence of elemental toxic physiological diseases; 2 physiological diseases of deficiency syndrome.
3 measures to prevent nutrient imbalance
1 balance NPK, with application of micro-fertilizer; 2 more organic fertilizer to facilitate the adsorption of excess elements, and provide various trace elements to the crop.
Solve soil toxin accumulation
1 causes of toxin accumulation
The waste (ie, toxins) produced by continuous cropping of crops accumulates in the soil.
2 hazards of toxin accumulation
Affects root growth, leading to poor growth on the ground.
3 measures to prevent the accumulation of toxins
1 round for sputum; 2 for adaptable varieties or grafted seedlings; 3 use biological fertilizer to degrade toxins.
Solve the accumulation of soil pests and diseases
1 The cause of the accumulation of pests and diseases
Due to the high temperature in the shed, the humidity is high, the light is weak, and the leisure period is short, which is conducive to the propagation of pests and diseases, resulting in the accumulation of pests and diseases in the soil.
2 hazards of pest and disease accumulation
It has increased the difficulty of pest control, resulting in a vicious cycle of increasingly serious pests and diseases, especially soil-borne pests and diseases, which are more difficult to control.
3 measures to prevent the accumulation of pests and diseases
1 Select adaptable varieties or use grafted seedlings; 2 Biological bacteria fermenting manure to inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria; 3 Treat soil or roots with No. 31 medicine to kill soil-borne bacteria; 4 Before seeding and seedling, use No. 5 The soil is treated with calcium cyanamide; 5 is rooted with Trichoderma spp. 11 or Bacillus sp. 14 . Note that due to differences in factors such as the objective environment, the actual operation, please proceed under the guidance of professionals. Figure / Text Source: Agricultural Technology, Yangtze River Vegetables, Sichuan Organic Fertilizer Promotion Association
Chloride, Salt