Study Design

The study, also known as the family studio, is a space for reading, writing, and amateur learning, research, and work. The study is a private space for individuals. It best reflects the habits, personalities, hobbies, tastes, and expertise of residents. The function requires the creation of a static space with the principles of elegance and tranquility. At the same time, it is necessary to provide master writing, reading, creation, research, storage of books and magazines, and the conditions for meeting guests.

General principles of study design

The location of the study

The study environment is quiet and less disturbing, but not necessarily private. If each room is on the same floor, it can be placed on the outside of the private area, or in a separate room beside the entrance. If it is a suite with the bedroom, it is more suitable outside. Reading can not affect the family's rest, and the activities of reading often continue into the night, perhaps in the middle of the night, go to the bathroom, so it is best not to pass through the bedroom.

Internal structure

The space in the study mainly includes a collection area, a reading area, and a rest area. For a study of 8-15 square meters, the collection area is suitable for arrangement along the wall, the reading area is arranged by the window, and the rest area occupies the remaining corners. For large-scale studies of more than 15 square meters, the arrangement is more flexible. For example, a round, rotatable bookcase is located in the center of the study. There is a large seating area for many people to discuss, or there is a small meeting area.


The study should try to occupy a good room. Compared to the bedroom, its natural lighting is more important. Reading is good for nature and it is best to blend with nature. The location of the desk is very much related to the location of the window. First, consider the angle of light, and second, consider avoiding glare on the computer screen.

Artificial lighting mainly grasps the principle of bright, uniform, natural, soft, without any color, so it is not easy to fatigue. Partial lighting should be provided in key areas. If you have a bookcase with doors, you can hide lights in the shelves to make it easier to find books. If it is an open bookcase, spotlights can be installed above the ceiling for partial fill light. Table lamp is very important, it is best to choose the light that can adjust the angle, light and dark, when reading can increase comfort.

Decoration materials

The study wall is more suitable for the upper Asian paint, wallpaper, wall cloth is also very suitable, because it can increase the quiet effect, avoid glare, so that the emotion less affected by the environment. The floor is best to use carpets, so that even if you think about the problem, it will not appear annoying noise.


The main points of color are soft and calm. It is best to use cold colors, such as blue, green, grey and purple, to avoid jumping and contrasting colors.


The study is the most culturally pleasing place in the family. Not only must there be all kinds of books, but many collections such as paintings, sculptures, and crafts can be decorated to create a rich cultural atmosphere. Many of the supplies themselves, if chosen properly, are also a good decoration.

Book placement

People who like to read books mostly have a rational side and pay attention to order. Faced with numerous collections of books, how can it be done without hiding it? Bookcases can be divided into a number of grids, and all collections are grouped together and then returned to their place. In this way, according to the order of classification, the trouble of finding a book everywhere is eliminated. Too many books, you may wish to do a higher bookcase, take advantage of a small escalator.

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