Apple bagging after medication

First, after the apple bagging, the rainy season is frequent in June-August. Some fruit farmers hear that there is rain tomorrow, and they will not spray the same day, so that they will drag until the pesticide persists. In case of rain, the bacteria may infect the leaves and cause leaves. Therefore, when the special effect period of the pesticide is reached, no matter whether there is rain or not, the spray must not be dragged.
Second, the apple spray bag before spraying the fine spray nozzle, after the bag is sprayed with a coarse spray head. When spraying, the ground and underground, the branches of the leaves, and the front and back of the blades should be sprayed and sprayed carefully. Especially after the bagging of Bordeaux liquid, the dosage per acre should not be less than 300 kg.
Third, the apple should be sprayed once again after the bagging, and must be sprayed before the rain before June 20. Before and after wheat harvest is the most critical period to control apple brown spot. At present, Bordeaux mixture is a special agent for preventing and treating this disease. The special effect period of Bordeaux mixture is 15-20 days, and should be sprayed during the special effect period of Bordeaux mixture. When preparing Bordeaux mixture, it should be made of high quality imported copper sulfate and scientifically prepared. Huaxian County Jingzuo Station Liu Xiuling
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