Application of sour taste additive in piglet feed

Adding a certain proportion of sour taste additives to the feed can have a significant effect on the piglets. Ghz China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

One is to increase the palatability of the feed and increase the feed intake of the piglets. Ghz China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The second is to lower the pH in the diet and make the gastrointestinal tract acidic. Because piglets have insufficient gastric acid secretion before 8 weeks of age, gastric acid activates pepsinogen, promotes pancreatic juice, bile secretion and gallbladder contraction, promotes digestion and absorption of proteins, and inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms. Only when the pH in the stomach is lower than 4.0, can effectively prevent the proliferation and colonization of harmful microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, and reduce their competition for nutrients, while promoting the growth of some beneficial eosinophilic microorganisms. However, the commonly used piglet feeding and weaning materials, the pH value is generally as high as 6-6.5, has a buffering effect on the acidity in the stomach, so that the pH in the stomach is often higher than 4.0. In this case, only a portion of the feed consumed by the piglets is digested, and the rest becomes a burden on the digestive system, leading to diarrhea. Adding acid to the feed can overcome these problems. Ghz China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Third, the sour taste additive can form a complex with the various essential elements required by the piglet body to be better absorbed and utilized by the body. Commonly used sour taste additives are mainly citric acid, fumaric acid, calcium formate, propionic acid and the like. The usual additions in the diet are: 3% citric acid, 1.5% fumarate, 1.3% calcium formate, and 0.3% propionic acid. Practice has proved that with the above sour taste additives, feed intake of piglets can be increased by 6% to 15%, and daily gain can be increased by 8% to 18%. The use of sour taste additives, preferably in the young age of pigs, generally within the growth period of pigs within 30 kg, the effect is more significant. Ghz China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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