Wallpapers and wall coverings are becoming more and more popular. Wallpapers can create a variety of atmospheres that reflect a variety of styles. The flowers and patterns on the walls make the entire home space warm. What should you pay attention to when laying wallpapers and wall coverings?
1. When paving, first cut the whole wall cloth and wallpaper into the required size. According to the manufacturer's instructions, adjust the glue in the vessel and apply it evenly on the back of the paper cloth with a soft brush. The wallpaper is affixed to the wall surface or the flat top surface, and the paper cloth is flattened with a hard brush and a special acrylic sheet, so that no air or agglomerated glue remains between the paper cloth and the construction surface. And use a work knife to stack the paper cloth 1/d and the excess part, and draw it on the wooden ruler to make it a dense seam, which is not easy to detect.
Laminate Wood Flooring has grown significantly in popularity, because it has advantages of costing less and requiring less skill to install than alternative flooring materials
1.Hi-Tech crystallization AL2O3 high wear-resisting layer,anti-pollution,anti-UV ray,resisting ironing.
2.Resist UV ray and ornamental wooden membrane layer.3.High density, low glue, no radiation, water-proof,worm-proof compositive green core board layer.
4.The water-proof layer is special type of resin base. guarantees the flooring appearance is regular, perfect.
8Mm Laminate Flooring,Grey 8Mm Laminate Flooring,White 8Mm Laminate Flooring,Black 8Mm Laminate Flooring
Jining Sensen Wood Industry Co.,Ltd , http://www.sensenflooring.com