In order to effectively place counterfeit products and safeguard consumer rights, AKzoNobel's main products use advanced anti-counterfeit bar code labeling systems. It not only provides you with detailed product date, production batch number, product certification and other important information, but also has a unique high-tech anti-counterfeiting features. The following is the introduction of the latest version of anti-counterfeiting labels that started in September 2010: Note: Some areas of Dulux products do not use the above logo. The general area uses the following stickers:
Function assignPage() { var page = $('#page_val').val(); if (/_\d+\.html$/.test(location.href)) { location.href = location.href.replace( /_\d+\.html/, ((page == 1) && 1? '' : '_' + page) + '.html') } else if(/\/\d+\.html$/.test (location.href)) { location.href = location.href.replace(/(\d+)\.html/, ((page == 1) && 1? '$1' :'$1_' + page) + ' .html') } } $(function(){ $('#page_form').submit(function() { assignPage() return false; }) $('#page_btn').click(function(){ assignPage( ); return false; }) }) See full story
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C7/C9 String Light Holiday string light set is waterproof and durable. Can be used in any season and many applications such as wedding, party, garden etc. We have different wire model and Replacement Bulb type to choose.
Decorative string lights are not just for holidays anymore . Instantly transform indoor and outdoor spaces with a wide selection of covers and finishes that match current trends and personal tastes and expressions.
Celebrate any season ,event or inspired whim with a charming new set of outdoor string lights!
Transparent Red Light,C7 Incandescent Light,Indoor Decorative Light,C9 Christmas Lamp