The measurement and installation process of the balcony windows of the Qijia netizens

Netizen Overview: I had a box in the deck of the hydropower section of the delegation. I was satisfied with everything from measurement to installation.

Feng aluminum 788 mute wide rail framed window

Carefully measured master Zhou

Balcony window aluminum alloy

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Lab consumables for COVID-19

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With epidemic of the noval coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) out-breaking currently, many biotech companies are sourcing lab plastic consumables worldwide to control the spreading. We also received many inquiries from different countries. But most inquiries are mainly for some items of us. This page is to help the researchers who need to find out our products that used in COVID-19 quickly, hope it helps.

However, any your inquiries are welcome, please never mind to contact us!

Antigen Extraction,Acid Extraction Tubes,Nasopharyngeal Swab,Antigen Rapid Test Cassette,Test Cassette

Yong Yue Medical Technology(Kunshan) Co.,Ltd ,