Comparative product development of springs

Determine the ratio of the series products and the parameters of the extended products. The diameter series of the spring steel wire is divided into 21 types according to the standard diameter series <1> of the cylindrical tension coil spring, and the design diameter of the spring steel wire <1~<10mm. The size ratio of the series products is solved by the geometric proportional series law <2>.

Determining the structural dimensions of the series of spring products Since the series of spring structure dimensions are similar to those of the base type, according to the dimensional parameters of the base product, the remaining dimensional parameters of each extended type are determined according to the standard ratio of 1.12. The geometrical parameters of the series of springs are listed. The product models are h2~h10 which are reduced expansion products, H0 is the base product, and H1~H10 are the enlarged extended products, the values ​​of h and H subscripts are The number of stages p of the extended pitch base type corresponds.

The diameter of the spring wire is extended. The reduced base type P value determines the similarity of the load and deformation of the spring. The maximum working load Fmax that the spring's ultimate load spring can withstand is calculated as follows: <3>: Fmax=Pd3 8D2K =Pd3 8CdK=0.0655d2 KN(3) where: ―Allowable shear stress of spring material, select carbon spring wire with class II stress cycle, then =0.8×0.42RbMPa; Rb—spring wire tensile force Strength, MPa, B-stage spring material is used in this paper; K-spring's curvature coefficient, K is calculated by the following formula: K=0.01756d2RbN When designing the spring, Fmax≤0.8Flim is usually taken, so the ultimate load of the spring is; Flim=Fmax /0.8=0.022d2Rb. According to the previous calculation formula, by substituting the corresponding parameters of the series springs, the ultimate load values ​​of the series springs can be obtained.

The load and deformation of the spring loaded and deformed spring can be calculated as follows: <3>: K=8FC3n/(Gd)N(4) where: G—the shear modulus of the material, because the spring material is carbon Spring steel wire, then G = 79 × 103MPa; K - spring deformation, mm.

The results of the analysis show that the actual load level difference and the theoretical load level difference can be seen that most of their values ​​are close, while the individual values ​​are larger. The reason for the error is that the standard value is used in determining the wire diameter d, which is quite different from the calculated value calculated by the standard ratio 1.12. If the difference is the difference between the load grades of H6 and H5, if the diameter of the steel wire is selected according to the standard common ratio, then the actual load difference between H6 and H5 is 1.162, which is the difference from the theoretical load difference of 1.159. 0.003, this is just a calculation error. It can be concluded that if the geometry of the spring is strictly determined according to the ratio of 1.12, then the load of the spring is 1.122 according to the step difference.

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