Do you have to wear protective eyes to see fireworks during the Spring Festival?

During the winter holidays, when the Chinese New Year is coming, parents should be optimistic about their children while relaxing and happy.

Safety first. Safety is a prerequisite for health. During the Spring Festival, fireworks and firecrackers are the most likely to injure children. Parents must always pay attention to the safety of their children and strengthen the supervision of their children. Do not allow them to set off fireworks alone. When children watch fireworks, they should choose to watch in a safe zone. It is also advisable to wear protective glasses when necessary to prevent pop-up Mars from damaging children’s eyes.

Anti poisoning and trauma. During the Spring Festival, some parents have to bring their children back to their hometowns in the countryside. Some rural homes often store some pesticides or rodents. Many of these children have never seen them in the city. Therefore, families must be reminded to put these medicines out. Children contact. During the Spring Festival, both the flow of people and the flow of traffic have increased. Parents are away from home. Attention should be paid to safety. It is more important than anything to protect themselves and their children.

A reasonable diet, prevent diseases, prevent indigestion and diarrhea. During the Spring Festival, there are more greasy and delicious things, such as various kinds of sweets and drinks. Parents should try to limit the children's time to eat, and do not allow children to overeat. Home can prepare some digestive drugs, such as stomach enzyme mixture, Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets.

Anti-bronchial foreign body. During the Spring Festival each year, it is the enthusiasm of otolaryngology doctors, because the incidence of trachea and esophageal foreign bodies in children shows a clear upward trend, mainly due to laughter and eating nuts.

Anti-respiratory diseases. During the New Year, when relatives and friends gather together, the children's life is easily irregular and the mood swings are relatively large. This can easily lead to exhaustion, disorder of the biological clock, and decreased resistance. Therefore, the children are most prone to having a cold. Therefore, if the child usually has poor health, parents still try to keep the child's normal life rules, bring the child to rest early, and reduce the incidence of colds. If you have children with allergic rhinitis or asthma, try to keep your child away from the bad air, wear a mask and prevent asthma attacks.

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