India extended the levying of my anti-dumping duty on PTFE

According to the Ministry of Commerce, the Indian Customs issued an announcement on August 24, which will extend the deadline for anti-dumping duties on PTFE originating in or exported from China.

Announcement: To impose an anti-dumping tax of US$2.48 per kilogram on the product manufactured and exported by China DuPont (Changshu) Fluor Technology Co., Ltd.; to be exported to China DuPont (Changshu) Fluorine Technology Co., Ltd. and exported by other Chinese companies An anti-dumping tax of US$3.87 per kilogram is levied; for exports to other Chinese manufacturers or exporters, the country of origin is levied an anti-dumping tax of US$3.87 per kilo for the product in China or any other country.

The announcement pointed out that, except for the announcement of a separate announcement to be cancelled, replaced or amended in advance, the extension period of the taxation period shall be five years from the date of publication of the announcement. Taxation currency is Indian Rupee.

In July 2010, India initiated an anti-dumping sunset re-examination investigation of PTFE produced in China. On July 25, 2011, India made an anti-dumping sunset review of PTFE produced in China.

In July 2004, India initiated an anti-dumping investigation against PTFE produced in China; in July 2005, India made a definite final ruling on the case; in February 2009, India made a poly-tetra (4) production from China. Fluorine ethylene undergoes anti-dumping mid-term review review. On February 26, 2010, India made a final review of the mid-term anti-dumping countermeasure against PTFE produced in China.

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